Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental And Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee

The California Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for the implementation of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65).

The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee of OEHHA's Science Advisory Board advises and assists OEHHA in compiling the list of chemicals known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity which is mandated by Health and Safety Code Section 25249.8. The Committee serves as the "State's qualified experts" for rendering an opinion as to whether a chemical has been clearly shown, through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles, to cause reproductive toxicity.

A public meeting of this committee will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 1996, in the Auditorium at 744 P Street, Sacramento, California from 10:00 a.m. until all business has been conducted or until 5:00 p.m.

The draft agenda for this meeting is as follows:

I. Staff Reports

A. Update on administrative listings

B. Public comments

C. Report on OEHHA evaluation of need for workshop on postnatal exposures

D. Public comments

II. Inorganic Arsenic

A. Staff overview of draft hazard identification document

B. Committee discussion of possible finding that inorganic arsenic has been clearly shown to be a reproductive toxicant

C. Public comments

D. Committee discussion and decision

III. Cadmium

A. Staff overview of draft hazard identification document

B. Committee discussion of possible finding that cadmium has been clearly shown to be a reproductive toxicant

C. Public comments

D. Committee discussion and decision

IV. Mechanisms For Removing Chemicals From The Proposition 65 List By The "State's Qualified Experts"

A. Staff presentation

B. Public comments

C. Committee discussion of draft document

V. Prioritization Of Candidate Chemicals

A. Presentation on the refinement of the prioritization procedure and the comments received from the prioritization workshop (to be held on 11/15/96)

B. Public comment

C. Committee discussion

D. Presentation of draft priorities of DART candidates and draft data summaries

E. Public comment

F. Committee discussion and/or decision

VI. Summary Of Committee Actions

VII. Discussion Of Future Agenda Items

OEHHA is committed to public participation and external scientific peer review in its efforts to implement Proposition 65. OEHHA welcomes public input on any of the agenda items identified above. Comments sent by mail or by fax should be directed to:

the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
P. O. Box 942732
Sacramento, California 94234-7320
Fax (916) 327-1097

Comments may also be delivered in person or by courier to:

the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
601 North Seventh Street
Sacramento, California

OEHHA has gone to considerable effort to develop a clearly defined procedure for how chemicals enter into the Proposition 65 process and the steps for appropriate evaluation. By publishing this notice well in advance of the Committee meeting, OEHHA hopes to encourage scientific dialogue prior to consideration of chemicals by the Committee. It is OEHHA's intent that relevant scientific studies, and relevant interpretations and analyses of such studies, be made available early in the process of Proposition 65 consideration so that OEHHA staff can prepare materials for timely consideration by the Committee that accurately reflect the available data. The Committee prefers that information for its consideration be presented in writing prior to its meetings so that it can give due consideration to the material, and so that it can devote time at the meetings to discussions and clarifications, rather than to extensive oral testimony. To allow adequate time for the Committee to review comments on the draft priorities and data summaries, and the draft hazard identification documents for inorganic arsenic and cadmium, OEHHA requests that all submittals on these items be received at its office on or before November 20, 1996.

Background materials for the meeting, including the following, can be obtained by writing to the above address or by calling (916) 445-6900.

  • Procedure for Prioritizing Candidate Agents for Consideration Under Proposition 65 By the OEHHA Science Advisory Board (Draft dated October 1996)
  • Draft list of draft priorities and draft data summaries on prioritized chemicals (dated October 1996). [Chemicals for which draft data summaries have been prepared include: acrylamide (CASRN: 79-06-1), aldrin (CASRN: 309-00-2), 1,3-butadiene (CASRN: 106-99-0), carbamazepine (CASRN: 298-46-4), carbon tetrachloride (CASRN: 56-23-5), chlordane (CASRN: 57-74-9), DDT (CASRN: 50-29-3), ethylene dibromide (CASRN: 106-93-4), formaldehyde (CASRN: 50-00-0), heptachlor (CASRN: 76-44-8), methylene chloride (CASRN: 75-09-2), progesterone (CASRN: 57-83-0), 2,4,5-T butyl ester (CASRN: 93-79-8), trichloroethylene (CASRN: 79-01-6), and vinyl chloride (CASRN: 75-01-4) CASRN = Chemical Abstracts Service Registration Number].
  • Mechanisms for Removing Chemicals from the Proposition 65 List Based on Findings Made by "the State's Qualified Experts" (Draft dated May 1996)

Chemical Reference

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