Staff Presentations for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting Held on November 4, 2004

A meeting of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee was held on November 4, 2004, at the California Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Building in Sacramento, California. Below are the presentations made by staff of the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). The segments of the agenda covered by this material include the “Consideration of Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Reproductive Toxicity” and “Consideration of the Revised Prioritization Process.”

Meeting Summary:

1. The Committee determined that chloroform had not been clearly shown to cause reproductive toxicity; and therefore, declined to add chloroform to the Proposition 65 chemical list. The Committee found the human epidemiology information to be suggestive, but inconclusive. They asked OEHHA to contact the original authors of the epidemiology study, request the full suite of data from the study, perform additional evaluation of the data and bring the results of the re-analyses back to the Committee at the next meeting for further deliberation and discussion.

2. The Committee determined that progesterone had not been clearly shown to cause developmental toxicity, one of the three endpoints considered concerning reproductive toxicity. For the other endpoints, female and male reproductive toxicity, the Committee deferred a final listing decision and instead asked OEHHA to develop proposed limiting language for the listing to take into account the therapeutic usage of progesterone in female and male reproduction. OEHHA was asked to present the proposed language at a future meeting.

3. The Committee received public comments regarding the revised prioritization process that was proposed by OEHHA. The Committee endorsed the revised prioritization process. Note: OEHHA finalized the prioritization process and it became effective on December 17, 2004.

4. Lastly, members of the Committee asked that environmental tobacco smoke be brought back to them for consideration for listing at a future meeting.

The complete meeting transcript of the meeting is available from the court reporter, Ms. Phyllis Mank at

Meeting Agenda

I. Consideration of Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Reproductive Toxicity

John Ulrich and F. Jay Murray, Ph.D.
On behalf of Chemical Industry Council of California, Chlorine Chemistry Council

George Verbryck and Susan Rice, Ph.D.
On behalf of the Spa and Pool Chemical Manufacturers Association

Brad Buchanan
On behalf of Emerita

II. Consideration of Revised Prioritization Process

  • Introduction
    Lauren Zeise, Ph.D., OEHHA
  • Public Commenters:

James Coughlin, Ph.D.
On behalf of National Food Processors Association, Grocery Manufacturers of America, and Consumer Healthcare Products Association

Michael Schmitz, J.D.
California League for Environmental Enforcement Now (CLEEN)

Chemical Reference

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