Notice of Modifications to Text of Regulations Title 22, California Code of Regulations Sections 12705 and 12805

Pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 11346.8(c), and Section 44 of Title 1 of the California Code of Regulations, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is providing notice of changes made to regulations, Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 12705 and 12805. These regulations were originally the subject of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued on June 8, 2001. A public hearing was held on July 23, 2001. Written and oral testimony was accepted at the hearing. In addition, written comments were received during the 45-day public comment period which ended on July 23, 2001. On February 11, 2002, OEHHA issued a Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations withdrawing eight chemicals from the proposed rulemaking in order for OEHHA to review comments regarding these eight chemicals. OEHHA reviewed the comments and proposed to adopt proposed No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) for seven of the eight chemicals previously withdrawn in a notice on March 29, 2002. These chemicals were: benzene, cadmium, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), lead, lead acetate, lead phosphate and lead subacetate.

This notice announces the availability of the modified regulatory text for sections 12705 and 12805 and supporting documents.


Note: the Final Statement of Reasons was

  • Approved: by the Office of Administrative Law on: July 18, 2002
  • Filed: with the Secretary of State on: July 18, 2002
  • Effective: August 19, 2002