October 7, 1999 Meeting of the CIC

The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for the implementation of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65).

The Carcinogen Identification Committee of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board advises and assists OEHHA in compiling the list of chemicals known to the State to cause cancer which is mandated by Health and Safety Code Section 25249.8. The Committee serves as the State’s qualified experts for rendering an opinion as to whether a chemical has been clearly shown, through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles, to cause cancer.

A public meeting of this committee will be held on Thursday, October 7, 1999 in Training Room A, Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland California, at 10:00 a.m. and will last until all business has been conducted or until 5:00 p.m.

The tentative agenda for this meeting is as follows:

I. Criteria For Identifying Chemicals For Listing As "Known To The State To Cause Cancer"

Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision

II. Consideration Of Chemicals Known To Cause Cancer


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision

Trichloroacetic acid

Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision

III. Consideration Of Chemicals, Listed Via The Authoritative Bodies Mechanism, For Removal From The List

Allyl Chloride

Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation
Committee discussion
Public comments
Committee discussion and decision

IV. CIC’s Proposal To Give Chemicals A Lower Priority For Committee Evaluation If They Are Prescription Drugs

Note: letter from James S. Felton Ph.D., Member Prop.65 CIC added on 9/13/99.  [Download a copy in the downloads section below]

V. Staff Updates

Chemicals added via the administrative listing mechanism
Chemicals proposed via the administrative listing mechanism
Proposition 65 litigation and rulings
Public Comment

VI. Summary Of Committee Actions


OEHHA is committed to public participation and external scientific peer review in its efforts to implement Proposition 65. OEHHA welcomes public input on any of the agenda items identified above. Comments sent by mail, fax, or delivered in person or courier should be sent to:

the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Post Office Box 4010
Sacramento, CA 95812-4010

Fax (916) 327-1097
Telephone (916) 445-6900

The CIC’s document entitled "Criteria for Identifying Chemicals for Listing as ‘Known to the State to Cause Cancer’" may be obtained here.

The draft documents describing the evidence on the carcinogenicity of bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl)ether, 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene, estragole and trichloroacetic acid may be obtained here. To allow adequate time for the Committee to review comments on each of these documents, OEHHA requests that all submittals on these four chemicals be received at its office on or before September 14, 1999, which is the close of the 60-day comment period (see Califoria Regulatory Notice Register, July 16, 1999). The Committee prefers that information for its consideration be presented in writing prior to its meetings so that it can give due consideration to the material and so that it can devote time at the meetings to discussions and clarifications, rather than to extensive oral testimony. Documents on the candidates for removal from the Proposition 65 list are also available from the OEHHA web site (see California Regulatory Notice Register, August 27, 1999). OEHHA requests that all submittals on these candidates be received by Monday, September 27, 1999, which is the close of the 30-day comment period.

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