Public Comment Period and Workshop on the Draft Reference Exposure Levels for 1-Bromopropane

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is releasing a draft document for public review, summarizing the toxicity and derivation of proposed Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) for 1-Bromopropane (1-BP). RELs are airborne concentrations of a chemical that are not anticipated to result in adverse non–cancer health effects for specified exposure durations in the general population, including sensitive subpopulations.

OEHHA is required to develop guidelines for conducting health risk assessments under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program (Health and Safety Code Section 44360(b)(2)).  In response to this statutory requirement, OEHHA develops RELs for many air pollutants. 

The draft 1-BP REL document is available starting today on the OEHHA website.  The posting of the document will commence a 45-day public review period that will end on February 22, 2022.  A remote public workshop will be held virtually on January 26, 2022 at 10:00 AM using the Zoom platform.  Audio-only access phone numbers are available via the Zoom link.  The workshop will also be broadcast on the CalEPA Webcast site.

Due to the continuing COVID-19 emergency, the public is strongly encouraged to submit written information via OEHHA’s website, rather than in paper form.  Comments may be submitted electronically

Hard-copy comments may be mailed, faxed, or hand-delivered to the address below:

Dr. John Budroe
Chief, Air Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section
Air and Site Assessment and Climate Indicators Branch
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
1515 Clay Street, 16th Floor
Oakland, CA, 94612
Telephone: (510) 906-2131
Fax: (510) 622-3210

After the close of the public comment period, the documents will be revised as appropriate by OEHHA, and peer reviewed by the state’s Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants. Information about dates and agenda for meetings of the Scientific Review Panel can be obtained from the California Air Resources Board website.