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OEHHA chemical database - Air entry point. This entry gives users easy access to values associated with chemicals in air.
CDFW and the Fish and Game Commission were notified by the director of the OEHHA that, in consultation with the director of the CDPH, a determination has been made that Dungeness and rock crab caught on the mainland coast near Piedras Blancas Light Station in San Luis Obispo County no longer poses a significant human health risk from high levels of domoic acid.
Extension of public comment period and announcement of a public meeting on whether hydrogen cyanide and cyanide salts meet the authoritative bodies listing criteria set forth Title 27, Cal. Code of Regulations, section 25306.
Seafood risk assessment conducted by OEHHA following the Refugio Beach oil spill incident.
OEHHA’s efforts to update and test the Leggett pharmacokinetic model are described in the report entitled "Estimating Workplace Air and Worker Blood Lead Concentrations using an Updated Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model." The new model was renamed Leggett+ and is available for public use.
CalEPA and OEHHA released a Spanish-language interface for CalEnviroScreen, making the interactive online mapping tool available in Spanish.
CalEPA lanzó de hoy una interfaz para la CalEnviroScreen, ofreciendo así por primera vez acceso a dicha herramienta interactiva en línea en español.