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OEHHA released a revised draft of the Technical Support Document for Noncancer Risk Assessment which reflects new data and comments from the public and Scientific Review Panel.
Proposed adoption of the No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) for the chemical nitromethane.
OEHHA has determined that dibromoacetic acid meets the criteria for listing under Title 22, Cal. Code of Regs., section 12306, and therefore OEHHA is issuing this notice of intent to list dibromoacetic acid under Proposition 65.
Draft report and guidelines provide information to fish consumers to help them choose the safest fish to eat from the Sacramento River and Northern Delta. They also recommend how often these fish can be eaten to maximize their health benefits, while minimizing the health risks from mercury contamination.
Chemical under consideration for possible listing via the Authoritative Bodies mechanism: Oryzalin.
Summary of Symptom Reports in Areas of Aerial Pheromone Application of Isomate for Management of the Light Brown Apple Moth.
OEHHA's request for participation in a workgroup to assist in drafting possible regulatory language addressing the methods of delivery and content of warnings for exposures to listed chemicals in foods.
OEHHA is proposing to move the Proposition 65 regulations from Title 22 to Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). Placing Proposition 65 regulations in Title 27, together with other environmental regulations, would facilitate future searches by stakeholders.
Notice of proposed rulemaking. This amendment to section 12705(b) would adopt a No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 50 micrograms per day for C.I. Direct Blue 218.
Proposal to establish a specific regulatory level posing no significant risk: ethylbenzene.