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This memorandum represents an update of the literature review and evaluation for the existing PHG for dalapon (OEHHA, 1997). Our re-evaluation supports the previous PHG derivation in 1997, and there are no new data to justify a significant change to the document.
OEHHA announces a public comment period and workshop for the draft Public Health Goal for trihalomethanes in drinking water.
Marijuana smoke listed effective June 19, 2009 as known to the state of California to cause cancer.
Advisory for various fish species taken from coastal waters of southern California from Ventura Harbor to San Mateo Point. These guidelines were developed as a result of studies of PCB, DDT, and mercury concentrations in fish tested from these water bodies.
Safe fishing advisory for the areas from Ventura Harbor to Santa Monica Pier, based on mercury or PCBs.
Advisory for the areas from South of Seal Beach Pier to San Mateo Point. Safe eating advice based on mercury or PCBs.
OEHHA is requesting comments as to whether amsacrine, bleomycins, chlorophenoxy herbicides, diesel fuel (marine), progestins, styrene, toxins derived from Fusarium moniliforme (F. verticillioides), vinyl acetate, wood dust, zalcitabine, and zidovudine (AZT) meet the requirements for listing under the Labor Code mechanism.
Request for comments as to whether Tert-Amyl methyl ether, n-butyl glycidyl ether, carbaryl, chloroform, 2-chloropropionic acid, dichloroacetic acid, diglycidyl ether, N,N-dimethylacetamide, ethylene oxide, ethyl-tert-butyl ether, 2-ethylhexanoic acid, methyl chloride, methyl n-butyl ketone, p,p’-oxybis(benzenesulfonyl hydrazide), phenyl glycidyl ether, phenylphosphine, toluene, 1,3,5-triglycidyl-s-triazinetrione, and 4-vinyl-cyclohexene meet the requirements for listing under the Labor Code mechanism.
Request for comments as to whether Tert-Amyl methyl ether, n-Butyl glycidyl ether, Carbaryl, Chloroform, 2-Chloropropionic acid, Dichloroacetic acid, Diglycidyl ether, N,N-dimethylacetamide, Ethylene oxide, Ethyl-tert-butyl ether, 2-Ethylhexanoic acid, Methyl chloride, Methyl n-butyl ketone, p,p’-Oxybis(benzenesulfonyl hydrazide), Phenyl glycidyl ether, Phenylphosphine, Toluene, 1,3,5-Triglycidyl-s-triazinetrione, and 4-Vinyl-cyclohexene meet the requirements for listing under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 via the Labor Code.
OEHHA is requesting comments as to whether Amsacrine, Bleomycins, Chlorophenoxy herbicides, Diesel fuel (marine), Progestins, Styrene, Toxins derived from Fusarium moniliforme (F.