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Efectos del Cromo Hexavalente Sobre la Salud
Nov 21, 2016, Program: Air
Estudio de salud ambiental sobre el césped sintético
Nov 18, 2016, Program: Risk Assessment
EGBE REL document revised in response to the comments made by the SRP during the March 4, 2016 meeting. The values proposed are: Acute REL: 4700 µg/m3, 8–Hour REL: 164 µg/m3, Chronic REL: 82 µg/m3
Nov 14, 2016, Program: Air
Revised draft document summarizing the carcinogenicity and derivation of an inhalation cancer unit risk factor (URF) for tertiary-Butyl Acetate (TBAc).
Nov 14, 2016, Program: Air
Extension of Public Comment period on the PHG review for: Hexavalent Chromium
Nov 10, 2016, Program: Water
This fish advisory provides safe eating advice for three dozen species of fish across hundreds of miles of the California coast from the Oregon border to Mexico.
Nov 9, 2016, Program: Fish
Fish advisory for the California coast.
Nov 9, 2016, Program: Fish
State fish advisory offers safe eating advice for carp, Channel Catfish, and Tilapia from the Alamo River and the New River in Imperial County.
Nov 2, 2016, Program: Fish
Advisory based on mercury, DDTs, PCBs, and selenium.
For information relating to biotoxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs) that may be found in California water bodies, see below.
Nov 2, 2016, Program: Fish