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This public notice announces the initiation of PHG development for 1,4-dioxane and an update of the PHG for n-nitrosodimethylamine.
May 21, 2020, Program: Water
CalEcotox is a searchable database that has been recently updated and contains relevant data for over 90 California mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians for use in ecotoxicological risk assessments in California
May 8, 2020, Program: Ecotoxicology
State fish advisories issued today for Sacramento River and northern Delta provides safe eating advice for American Shad, black bass species, bullhead, catfish, Chinook Salmon, Common Carp, crappie, crayfish, Goldfish, Hardhead, Rainbow Trout, Sacramento Pikeminnow, Sacramento Sucker, shrimp, small baitfish, Steelhead Trout, Striped Bass, sunfish species, and White Sturgeon.
May 5, 2020, Program: Fish
The mission of the individual sections within OEHHA and reports that pertain to their mission
Apr 29, 2020, Program: Public Information
State fish advisories issued today for Lake Palmdale provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Black Crappie, Channel Catfish, goby, Hitch, Inland Silverside, and sunfish species.
Apr 28, 2020, Program: Fish
OEHHA received a request for a Safe Use Determination (SUD) for exposures to bisphenol A (BPA) [2] from certain polycarbonate eyewear products manufactured, distributed, or sold by The Vision Council (TVC) member companies. The request was made by TVC, pursuant to Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations, section 25204(b)(3).
Apr 9, 2020, Program: Proposition 65
Informal Petition from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine to List “Processed Meat” Under Proposition 65 and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s Response
Apr 3, 2020, Program: Proposition 65
Information about selenium in fish and shellfish.
Apr 3, 2020, Program: Fish
State fish advisories issued today for Rollins Reservoir in Nevada and Placer Counties provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Channel Catfish, and Sacramento Sucker.
Mar 18, 2020, Program: Fish