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Extension of comment period. Intent to list ethylene glycol as known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.
Jun 11, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Feedback and comments on the draft CalEnviroScreen 2.0 document.
Jun 9, 2014, Program: CalEnviroScreen
Chlorsulfuron delisted effective June 6, 2014 as known to the State of California to cause reproductive toxicity.
Jun 6, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Effective June 6, 2014, the basis for the listing of hexafluoroacetone and phenylphosphine under Proposition 65 as known to cause reproductive toxicity has changed. Originally the two chemicals were added to the Proposition 65 list as causing reproductive toxicity via the “Labor Code mechanism” . The new mechanism is the state’s qualified experts mechanism.
Jun 6, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of Public Workshop for potential amendments to Article 6, Clear and Reasonable Warnings. The notice also announced a pre-regulatory workshop that was held on April 14, 2014. Extension of comment period.
May 23, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Meeting announcement and meeting outcome whether Hexafluoroacetone, Phenylphosphine and Chlorsulfuron should remain listed under Proposition 65 as known to cause reproductive toxicity.
May 21, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
The fish advisory for Clear Lake provides information on fish and shellfish important to Tribal members and other fish consumers. Newly added species of interest to Tribal members include threadfin shad, prickly sculpin, mosquitofish, inland silversides, winged floater mussels, and Asian clams.
May 15, 2014, Program: Fish
Extension of comment period on OEHHA's intent to list ethylene glycol as known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.
May 4, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA is adding N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer via the authoritative bodies mechanism.
May 2, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Table of Available Hazard Identification Documents or Materials for Chemicals Considered (or Reconsidered) for Listing by the Proposition 65 State’s Qualified Experts
(for the years 1996 to June 2014)
Apr 29, 2014, Program: Proposition 65