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OEHHA has issued two fish advisories concerning elevated levels of mercury in certain fish from five reservoirs and portions of the Bear and South Yuba rivers and Deer Creek in the Northern Sierra Nevada foothills, and from Black Butte, Stony Gorge and East Park reservoirs. The advisories contain guidelines for consumption of bass, channel catfish, trout and other fish species.
Dec 16, 2003, Program: Fish
A fact sheet describing impacts of air pollution on children's health.
Nov 26, 2003, Program: Air
Extension of the comment period for vanadium pentoxide for possible listing under Proposition 65.
Nov 25, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Request for information on a chemical to be considered by the OEHHA Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee: Rosuvastatin calcium. Extension of public comment period.
Nov 25, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Chemical listed effective November 14, 2003 as known to the state of California to cause cancer: Fumonisin B1
Nov 14, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Request for public comments on the Final Draft Guidance for Assessing Health Risks at School Sites
Nov 13, 2003, Program: Risk Assessment
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environmental Protection Agency is making available for review and comment the Final Draft Report “Guidance for School Site Assessment Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 901(f): Guidance for Assessing Exposures and Health Risks At Existing and Proposed School Sites." Health and Safety Code Section 901(f) requires OEHHA to develop and publish a guidance document for use by the Department of Toxic
Nov 13, 2003, Program: Risk Assessment
Staff Presentations for the Carcinogen Identification Committee Meeting Held on October 17, 2003
Nov 13, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA announces a second public comment period for the revised draft Public Health Goal for arsenic in drinking water.
Nov 7, 2003, Program: Water
Notice of Intent to List chemical as causing reproductive toxicity under the authoritative bodies mechanism: 1,3-Butadiene
Oct 31, 2003, Program: Proposition 65