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OEHHA has selected Butyl Benzyl Phthalate for the CIC's review for possible listing under Proposition 65. OEHHA is initiating the development of hazard identification materials on Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (BBP)
Nov 26, 2012, Program: Proposition 65
Addition of α-methyl styrene (alpha-methylstyrene) (CAS No. 98-83-9) and 1,3-dinitropyrene (CAS No. 75321-20-9) to the list of chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer.
Nov 2, 2012, Program: Proposition 65
This regulatory amendment removed the reference to chromium (hexavalent compounds) from the list of chemicals that present no significant risk of cancer by the route of ingestion.
Nov 1, 2012, Program: Proposition 65
August and September 2012 public workshops to solicit input on the Draft California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen)
Oct 30, 2012, Program: CalEnviroScreen
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft RCD for Chloropicrin. These comments and our recommendations, as well as suggested clarifications, additions and corrections, are contained in this report.
Oct 15, 2012, Program: Pesticides
Availability for public review of the hazard identification document entitled: “Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Deltamethrin. A data call-in period for deltamethrin opened on January 20, 2012, and closed on March 20, 2012
Oct 12, 2012, Program: Proposition 65
Adoption of the NSRL of 5.4 ug/day for tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate.
Oct 9, 2012, Program: Proposition 65
Availability for public review of the hazard identification document entitled: “Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Xylene.”
Sep 28, 2012, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA announced the initiation of updating Public Health Goals for three chemicals in drinking water: chlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethane, and trichloroethylene.
Sep 25, 2012, Program: Water
Intent to list alpha-methylstyrene as known to cause cancer. Opportunity for public comments.
Sep 14, 2012, Program: Proposition 65