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Proposal to readopt an emergency regulation to allow temporary use of a standard point-of-sale warning message for BPA exposures from canned and bottled foods and beverages.
Sep 16, 2016, Program: Proposition 65
Webcast and public forum - Identifying and evaluating alternative materials – the case of BPA-free can linings”
Sep 12, 2016, Program: Public Information
Comments are available for public review on a 45-day public comment period on five chemicals or chemical groups to be discussed at the November 2016 meeting of the Proposition 65 Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC).
Sep 9, 2016, Program: Proposition 65
This is a 45-day public comment period on five chemicals or chemical groups to be discussed at the November 2016 meeting of the Proposition 65 Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC).
Sep 9, 2016, Program: Proposition 65
Revised inhalation cancer Unit Risk for perchloroethylene is: 6.1 x 10-6 (µg/m3)-1, the inhalation Cancer Slope Factor is 2.1 x 10-2 (mg/kg-day)-1
Sep 8, 2016, Program: Air
Draft screening methodology that can be used to help identify California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution.
Sep 6, 2016, Program: CalEnviroScreen
Public input key for update to the first-in-the-nation statewide environmental health screening tool
Sep 6, 2016, Program: Public Information
Maps of the CalEnviroScreen 3.0 draft results, Pollution Burden, Population Characteristics, and the two new proposed indicators of Cardiovascular disease and Rent-adjusted income.
Sep 5, 2016, Program: CalEnviroScreen
How to request copies of public records from OEHHA.
Sep 1, 2016, Program: Public Information
A compilation of physiological and ecological parameters and toxicity data for a number of California fish and wildlife species.
Aug 31, 2016, Program: Ecotoxicology