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The report presents 36 indicators that show how climate change is affecting California. The report is intended to promote scientific analysis to inform decision-making on mitigating and adapting to climate change and to serve as a resource for decision makers, scientists, educators, and the public.
May 9, 2018, Program: Climate Change
Report covers temperature, wildfires, drought, Sierra Nevada snowmelt, species migration, shifting ranges of many species of California plants and animals.
May 9, 2018, Program: Climate Change
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Channel Catfish, Inland Silverside, Striped Bass, sunfish species, and Threadfin Shad.
May 8, 2018, Program: Fish
Safe fishing advisory for Del Valle reservoir. Advisory based on mercury.
May 8, 2018, Program: Fish
The adopted RELs cover different types of exposure to EGBE in air: infrequent 1-hour exposures, repeated 8-hour exposures, and continuous long-term exposure.
May 4, 2018, Program: Air
The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the California Environmental Protection Agency have partnered with Comite Civico Del Valle, Inc. and the University of Washington to examine the quality of canal water used for domestic purposes in the Imperial Valley. Their study, “Water Quality Assessment for Rural Communities in Imperial County,” has the following aims:
• Identify and quantify contaminants in the canal water at connections to Imperial households.
Apr 23, 2018, Program: CalEnviroScreen
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) proposes to amend Article 6 of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations[1], section 25603.
Apr 23, 2018, Program: Proposition 65
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for sunfish, black bass, carp, and Channel Catfish species.
Apr 12, 2018, Program: Fish
Advisory based on mercury and PCBs.
For information relating to biotoxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs) that may be found in California water bodies, see below.
Apr 12, 2018, Program: Fish