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OEHHA is soliciting information which may be relevant to the evaluation of the following chemicals under consideration for listing as known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity: Trimetrexate Glucuronate, Paclitaxel, Quazepam, Nitrobenzene, Leuprolide Acetate, Ganciclovir Sodium, Goserelin Acetate, Estropipate, Ethionamide, Atenolol, Amiodarone Hydrochloride, C.I. Direct Blue 15, 3,7-Dinitrofluoranthene, 3,9-Dinitrofluoranthene, 1-Amino-2,4-dibromoanthraquinone, C.I. Direct Blue 218, and Premarin.
Mar 27, 1997, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of intent to list nine chemicals via the authoritative bodies mechanism or the formally required mechanism as known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity: Nitromethane, Tetrafluoroethylene, Vinyl fluoride, Spironolactone, Stanozolol, Clarithromycin, Dihydroergotamine mesylate, Hydroxyurea, Oxymetholone
Feb 7, 1997, Program: Proposition 65
In a notice dated September 27, 1996, OEHHA announced that these chemicals were under consideration for listing based on a review of information indicating that the chemicals may meet the criteria set forth in 22 CCR, Section 12306 or Section 12902. OEHHA solicited comments and information relevant to the evaluation of these chemicals in the context of the regulatory criteria for administrative listing under Proposition 65. The public comment period commenced on September 27, 1996, and closed on, November 26, 1996.
Feb 7, 1997, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA held workshops and solicited comments on the draft document, "The Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program Risk Assessment Guidelines Part IV: Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis."
Dec 31, 1996, Program: Air
News Release
Released: December 13, 1996
Contact: Dan Pellissier, Communications Director
(916) 324-9670
SACRAMENTO - California Secretary for Environmental Protection James M. Strock today accepted a report on the agency's risk assessment practices from a prestigious group of scientists and announced plans to implement its recommendations in accordance with an Executive Order issued yesterday by Governor Wilson.
Dec 13, 1996, Program: Risk Assessment
OEHHA released the findings of the Scientific Review Panel on the identification of inorganic lead as a Toxic Air Contaminant. Included here are FAQs about inorganic lead exposure.
Oct 31, 1996, Program: Air
Notice of postponement of prioritization of carbamazepine and progesterone for possible consideration by the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee.
Oct 17, 1996, Program: Proposition 65
A review conducted by the Risk Assessment Advisory Committee (RAAC) with the purpose of determining if Cal/EPA risk assessment practices are based on sound science, and assessing the appropriateness of any differences in these practices with those of the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and other similar bodies.
Oct 11, 1996, Program: Risk Assessment
Request for information on chemicals under consideration for possible listing as known to the State to cause cancer: 5-chloro-ortho-toluidine and its hydrochloride (CASRN: 95-79-4); quinoline (CASRN: 91-22-5); 2,4,5-trimethylaniline and its hydrochloride (CASRN: 137-17-7).
Oct 4, 1996, Program: Proposition 65
Announcement of Wednesday, December 4, 1996 meeting of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee to consider inorganic arsenic, cadmium, mechanisms for removing chemicals from the Proposition 65 list, and prioritization.
Oct 4, 1996, Program: Proposition 65