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Announcement of the October 12th and 13th2011 CIC meeting and hazard ID materials for fluoride and its salts, and tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-Propyl) phosphate. Both will be considered for listing at the October 2011 meeting.
Oct 12, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
The proposed NSRL for 4-MEI has been changed from 16 to to 29 micrograms per day.
Oct 7, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is providing a notice of changes made to the proposed regulation: Title 22, California Code of Regulations, sections 69401 through 69407. OEHHA has reviewed the comments it received in this second comment period and is now proposing amendments to the modified proposed regulation and is augmenting the administrative record. A copy of the text of the amended proposed regulation is attached.
Oct 7, 2011, Program: Risk Assessment
Comment period for the Changed Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Specific Regulatory Levels Posing No Significant Risk: 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI).
Oct 7, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
A notice to establish a specific regulatory level posing no significant risk for imazalil was posted on the OEHHA website and published in the CRNR on September 9, 2011. OEHHA is withdrawing that notice because a number of non-substantive, clarifying changes to the notice were required.
Sep 23, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Proposal to add a NSRL for imazalil of 11ug/day.
Sep 23, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Notice to propose establishment of a specific regulatory level posing no significant risk for imazalil and amend Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25705.
Sep 23, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA received the following comments after OEHHA provided notice on July 29, 2011 of modification of text of proposed regulation - Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 69401 Through 69406 - Green Chemistry Toxics Information Clearinghouse Identification of Hazard Traits, Endpoints and Other Relevant Data for Inclusion in the Toxics Information Clearinghouse.
Sep 22, 2011, Program: Risk Assessment
Comment Period - Proposed Amendment To Section 25707(B), Route of Exposure: Hexavalent Chromium (VI)
Proposal to amend Section 25707, which would remove the reference to hexavalent chromium in Section 25707(b)(4) as posing no significant risk when ingested, based on recent scientific findings that establish that chromium (hexavalent compounds) can be carcinogenic by the oral route.
Sep 16, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Intent to list chemicals by the labor code mechanism: Estrogen–progestogen (combined) used as menopausal therapy, etoposide, etoposide in combination with cisplatin and bleomycin, methyl isobutyl ketone, MOPP (vincristine-prednisone-nitrogen mustard-procarbazine mixture).
Sep 16, 2011, Program: Proposition 65