Career Opportunities

CalEnviroScreen Health Program Specialist
Final Filing Date: Until Filled
Community and Environmental Epidemiology Research Branch
Community Assessment and Environmental Trends Section
Location: Sacramento or Oakland
Cancer Biostatistician
Final Filing Date: Until Filled
and shall consider Research Scientist III
Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch
Cancer Toxicology and Epidemiology Section
Location: Sacramento or Oakland
Chief of the Cancer Toxicology and Epidemiology Section
Final Filing Date: Until Filled
Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch
Cancer Toxicology and Epidemiology Section
Location: Sacramento or Oakland

Do You Want To Make A Difference?

The mission of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by scientific evaluation of risks posed by hazardous substances.

Here is a sample of our activities:

  • Assess health risks posed by chemicals that may be present in air, drinking water, food, consumer products, homes and workplaces
  • Measure the health and environmental effects of climate change, and the impacts of pollution on vulnerable communities.
  • Provide support for these activities through information technology, human resources, budgets and accounting, contract management and business services.

    You might also be interested in the many benefits of working here.
    Flyer about working at OEHHA.

    How to Apply for a Job at OEHHA

    Visit the CalCareers page for additional information

    Step 1 - Search

    Click on “New to State Service” on the CalCareers page, where you can browse career fields and see available jobs. Once you find a job you want to apply for, read the job’s bulletin to see the qualifications needed.  Create a CalCareers Account.

    Step 2 - Assessment

    Take an exam. Depending on the job classification, your education, experience, abilities, and knowledge will be evaluated either through a self assessment or an exam. Candidates ranked in the top three tiers are eligible to be interviewed for positions in that class.  Learn more about exams for jobs at OEHHA.  

    Step 3 - Apply

    Apply for vacancies.  Once on a list, you may apply for vacancies in the job class for which you have obtained list eligibility.  Fill out the standard state application and submit online or mail a hard copy to apply for job vacancies. Or, take full advantage of the CalCareers site and use your account, creating your application electronically, so that you can manage, submit, and track your job applications.

    State Civil Service Positions at OEHHA

    Positions in these classifications (entry level to management level) depend on experience and educational attainment (e.g., BA/BS, MS, MD, PhD). Click links for information on required qualifications.



    State government jobs in California offer a wide range of benefits.  For an overview, visit the Cal HR new employee benefits page.

    The boxes below link to specific information on a selection of some of the many benefits available to OEHHA employees as state workers.