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Some of the information used in OEHHA’s analysis supporting the issuance of the December 4, 2015 SUD has been corrected.
Final statement of reasons: notice of amendment to section 25805, maximum allowable dose level (MADL) for bisphenol A (dermal exposure from solid materials). The regulation establishing a MADL of 3 micrograms per day from dermal exposure from solid materials will be effective October 1, 2016.
Notice of Decision Not to Proceed - Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (Oral Exposure) for Atrazine, Propazine, Simazine, 2,4-Diamino-6-Chloro-S-Triazine (DACT), Des-Ethyl Atrazine (DEA), and Des-Isopropyl Atrazine (DIA).
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) (oral exposure) for Atrazine, Propazine, Simazine, 2,4-Diamino-6-Chloro-S-Triazine (DACT), Des-Ethyl Atrazine (DEA), and Des-Isopropyl Atrazine (DIA)
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the draft risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft RCD for Chlorpyrifos
Notice of Intent to List bromodichloroacetic acid as known to cause cancer via the "authoritative bodies" mechanism.
Safe use determinations for DINP exposures to residents of homes and other facilities, and exposures to professional carpet installers from Tandus Centiva ER3® modular vinyl carpet tiles.
Tetrachlorvinphos, parathion, and malathion listed effective May 20, 2016 as known to the State of California to cause cancer.
The recommendations developed by OEHHA for each fish species are based on the levels of mercury measured in fish from the French Meadows and Hell Hole Reservoirs in Placer County.
French Meadows Reservoir (Placer County) fish advisory based on mercury in fish caught in this reservoir.