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2017 Children's Environmental Health Symposium exploring "Environmental Justice and Children”. The symposium will be held April 26, 2017 and will examine the potential factors underlying children's unique vulnerabilities to the cumulative impacts of pollution and socioeconomic and community stressors.
A Synthetic Turf Scientific Advisory Panel Meeting, Friday, March 10, 2017 in Sacramento. Agenda, meeting materials, and meeting recording available.
The Synthetic Turf Scientific Advisory Panel Meeting was held on March 10, 2017. Before and during the meeting, public comments in the form of emails were received by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). These comments are grouped by the name of the senders and are available for download below.
OEHHA and UC Davis scientific workshop on May 4, 2017 exploring “Domoic Acid: Evaluating the State of the Science and Implications for Human Toxicity”. This workshop will explore dose levels that induce adverse effects and the spectrum of health endpoints.
OEHHA has determined that glyphosate (CAS No. 1071-83-6) will be added to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65.
Intent to adopt a No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 1100 micrograms per day for glyphosate
A review of the draft RCD for the pesticide propanil provided by DPR
(dated and received December 30, 2016). The draft HEAD was included as Appendix D in the draft RCD.
Carp, black bass and sunfish from Lake Evans in Riverside can be safely eaten at least four times per week. Do not consume the lake’s Channel Catfish.
Fish advisory for Lake Evans in Riverside offers safe eating advice for carp, black bass, sunfish, and Channel Catfish.
CalEnviroScreen Data Update for the Border Region. A report to the Legislature on actions taken to account for pollution burdens in the California-Mexico border region pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 71090.