Comment-11323-Alexia Hall, RDN

Comment by
Alexia Hall, RDN

I first became aware of the propensity for food dye to cause an allergic skin reaction upon receiving treatment for my daughters eczema in 2001. She scratch tested negative to multiple food and environmental allergies, but food dye was on the suggested list of environmental items to avoid that I received from my board certified allergist. Avoiding all foods that contained food dye resulted in a complete remission of her eczema symptoms. In addition, once we cut out food dyes from our families diet, my husbands life long eczema rash on his hands also disappeared. This result amazed me, and was the catalyst for my enrolling in a graduate degree to pursue the requirements to obtain a Registered Dietitian license. The fact that the avoidance or acceptance of a variety of foods could cause the remission or exacerbation of disease was fascinating to me, and once armed with this required license to advise, became part of my protocols to solve the same issues for a multitude of others seeking health and the relief of disease. There are multiple scientific studies available to support this association. These are my experiences. I would be happy to comment further, should that be required. Please contact me at 916-202-3505 if further information is required. Sincerely, Alexia Hall, RDN