Exploring California Climate Change Connections
December 2 and 3, 2020
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is convening a virtual scientific workshop to inform the next update of the Indicators of Climate Change in California report, scheduled for release in 2021. The report, compiled by OEHHA in collaboration with other state and federal agencies, academia and research institutions, presents indicators that track trends in climate change, its drivers and its impacts on physical systems, vegetation, wildlife and humans.
The two-day workshop will highlight scientific evidence and information relating to climate change and its impacts, with a focus on recognizing and describing how the multiple aspects of climate change are interconnected. The goals of the workshop are:
- To better understand how the various manifestations of climate change and their impacts interact in ways that create previously unrecognized risks, or magnify known risks to humans and the environment
- To collect scientific information on the linkages between the changes in climate and their cascading impacts for incorporation into the next indicator report
- To identify additional climate-related issues to track using indicators
If you have special accommodation or language needs, please contact us at (916) 324-7572 or climateconnect@oehha.ca.gov by November 23, 2020. TTY/TDD/Speech-to-Speech users may dial 7‑1‑1 for the California Relay Service.
To receive updates about the workshop, including the agenda, please subscribe to the "Indicators of Climate Change in California" listserv: https://oehha.ca.gov/about/listserv