Hexachlorocyclohexane (Technical Grade)
CAS Number
BHC; HCCH; HCH; TBH; Benzene hexachloride; Hexachlorocyclohexanes; Agrocide; Ambiocide; Benzahex; DBH; DOL; Dolmix; FBHC; Gammacide; Gammacoid; Gammexane; Gamtox; Gexane; Hexablanc; Hexachlor; Hexachloran; 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane; Hexafor; Hexamul; Hexapoudre; Hexyclan; Isatox; Kotol; Lexone; Lintox; Soprocide; TBH
Insecticide containing gamma-HCH (lindane) as well as alpha, beta, delta, and epsilon forms of HCH. Technical grade HCH has not been produced on used in the US in over 20 years.