Hexachlorocyclohexane (Technical Grade)
CAS Number
BHC; HCCH; HCH; TBH; Benzene hexachloride; Hexachlorocyclohexanes; Agrocide; Ambiocide; Benzahex; DBH; DOL; Dolmix; FBHC; Gammacide; Gammacoid; Gammexane; Gamtox; Gexane; Hexablanc; Hexachlor; Hexachloran; 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane; Hexafor; Hexamul; Hexapoudre; Hexyclan; Isatox; Kotol; Lexone; Lintox; Soprocide; TBH
Insecticide containing gamma-HCH (lindane) as well as alpha, beta, delta, and epsilon forms of HCH. Technical grade HCH has not been produced on used in the US in over 20 years.

Cancer Potency Information
Inhalation Unit Risk (μg/cubic meter)-1: | 1.1 E-3 |
Inhalation Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: | 4.0 E+0 |
Oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: | 4.0 E+0 |
Comments/References: |
OEHHA 2009. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Technical Support Document for Cancer Potencies. Appendix B. Chemical-specific summaries of the information used to derive unit risk and cancer potency values. Updated 2011. Listed as Hexachlorocyclohexanes (technical grade).
Note: This value was used as the basis of the No Significant Risk Level that was adopted for the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65). |
Proposition 65
Chemical Status
Cancer: | Currently listed |
Listed as causing : | Listed as causing: Cancer |
Date of Listing: |
Safe Harbor Levels
Cancer |