
OEHHA performs major risk assessment and hazard evaluation activities relating to chemical contaminants in drinking water. These activities include developing health advisories, Public Health Goals for chemical substances in drinking water, Notification Levels, and providing toxicological assistance for chemical monitoring activities for the drinking water supply. The program also provides education to the public and other governmental agencies on drinking water contamination and drinking water regulatory standards development.

Public Health Goals

Level of a chemical contaminant in drinking water that does not pose a significant risk to health


Legal notices for Public Health Goals and Notification Levels

Notification Levels

Health-based advisory levels for chemicals in drinking water


Reports focusing on water

Human Right to Water

OEHHA’s assessment framework and data tool related to drinking water quality, accessibility, and affordability

Reports, Notices, Documents

A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 0.004 mg/L (4 ppb) is developed for alachlor in drinking water.

A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 170 ppb is developed for copper in drinking water.

A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 4 ppt is developed for benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in drinking water.

A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 1,000 ppb is developed for glyphosate in drinking water.

A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 500 ppb is developed for picloram in drinking water