Public Comments on the Draft Public Health Goal for Hexavalent Chromium

The public comment period for the August 2009 draft of the Public Health Goal for Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water has closed.  OEHHA received a number of comments, as listed below.  These can be downloaded by clicking on each name, which links to the actual comments.

In addition to public comments, two entities (the Association of California Water Agencies, and Latham & Watkins LLP on behalf of Honeywell International, Inc.) have requested an external scientific peer review of the draft PHG document.  OEHHA is currently working with these two organizations on agreements covering the peer review, as set forth in the California Health & Safety Code Section 116365(c)(3)(D).  Once the external scientific peer review is completed, OEHHA will revise the draft PHG document as appropriate in response to the peer review and public comments, and release the revised draft for a 30-day public comment period. 

OEHHA also received 49 voicemails, which are not recorded and therefore not available for posting.

Chemical Reference