2018 Children's Environmental Health Symposium

Please join OEHHA and the Children’s Environmental Health Program for our next children’s environmental health symposium exploring "Air Pollution and Lifecourse Neurological Impacts.”  The symposium will be held on October 2, 2018 at the CalEPA Building in Sacramento, from 9:00am-4:45pm. 

Register for free here

This symposium will examine the potential factors underlying children's unique vulnerabilities to the cumulative impacts of pollution and socioeconomic and community stressors, and:

  • Examine new findings on early-life exposures and vulnerability to the neurological impacts of air pollution.
  • Examine new findings on air pollution exposure across the lifespan and neurocognitive decline.
  • Inform state agency scientists working in environmental and public health of the latest scientific findings on children’s health and air pollution.
  • Update regulatory scientists and the public about future long-term impacts on children and the elderly related to air pollution.
  • Inform state agencies as they carry out their duties, including the protection of children’s health.

The symposium will also be webcast.  For those attending by webcast, we will be using the California EPA webcasting system. You can access the webcast by going to: https://video.calepa.ca.gov/ (not active until the date and time of the symposium).
