Comment Period- Final Draft Proposed Child-Specific Reference Dose (chRD) for School Site Risk Assessment: Chlorpyrifos
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environmental Protection Agency is making available the final draft report, “Development of Health Criteria for School Site Risk Assessment Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 901(g): Proposed Child-Specific Reference Dose (chRD) for School Site Risk Assessment,” on February 5, 2010.
Section 901(g) requires OEHHA evaluate and publish, as appropriate, numerical health guidance values or chRDs for those chemicals that would be encountered at school sites and adversely impact school children. This final public review and comment period follows the requirements set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 57003 for receiving public input. OEHHA has evaluated comments from interested parties in developing the final draft document. The comment period will end on March 8, 2010. Comments received by that date will be considered in revision of the document.