Green Chemistry August 23, 2010 Public Workshop Availabiility of Pre-Regulatory Draft Regulation for Hazard Traits and Environmental and Toxicological Endpoints

Health & Safety Code section 25256.1 (SB 509, Simitian, Chapter 560, Statutes of 2008) requires the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to specify the hazard traits, environmental and toxicological end-points, and other relevant data that are to be included in the state’s Toxics Information Clearinghouse. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will use information from the clearinghouse to help identify chemicals of concern in consumer products, pursuant to Health & Safety Code section 25252.

OEHHA has developed pre-regulatory draft language that:

  • identifies and defines the hazard traits
  • lists general categories of endpoints and other relevant data for each toxicological and environmental hazard trait
  • provides general methods for determining whether or not a chemical has a toxicological hazard trait
  • provides specific methods for determining whether or not a chemical has carcinogenicity, developmental toxicity or reproductive toxicity hazard traits

The pre-regulatory draft is being published today on OEHHA’s website.The draft may change substantially before the formal regulatory process begins.

OEHHA will hold a public workshop for discussion of the pre-regulatory draft. The pre-regulatory public workshop will be held on Monday, August 23, 2010, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Coastal Hearing Room at the Cal/EPA Headquarters Building at 1001 I Street in Sacramento, second floor. Note: This workshop will be webcast.

Information on how to get to the meeting facility can be found at
If you have special accommodation or language needs, or for any other questions, comments, or concerns regarding this meeting, please contact Fran Kammerer at (916) 445-4693 or send an e-mail to

An informal comment period on the pre-regulatory draft regulation commences today and ends on September 13, 2010. In order to be considered at this stage of the process, comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 13. All submissions should be directed to:

Fran Kammerer
Staff Counsel
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95812
Or via e-mail to

Link to Public Comments

Public Comments on the Pre-Regulatory Draft Regulation for Hazard Traits and Environmental and Toxicological Endpoints for Green Chemistry

Health & Safety Code section 25256.1 (SB 509, Simitian, Chapter 560, Statutes of 2008) requires the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to specify the hazard traits, environmental and toxicological end-points, and other relevant data that are to be included in the state’s Toxics Information Clearinghouse. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will use information from the clearinghouse to help identify chemicals of concern in consumer products, pursuant to Health & Safety Code section 25252.

OEHHA developed pre-regulatory draft language that:

  • identifies and defines the hazard traits
  • lists general categories of endpoints and other relevant data for each toxicological and environmental hazard trait
  • provides general methods for determining whether or not a chemical has a toxicological hazard trait
  • provides specific methods for determining whether or not a chemical has carcinogenicity, developmental toxicity or reproductive toxicity hazard traits

OEHHA requested comments on the draft language and those comments are presented below.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010