Final Report: Revised California Human Health Screening Levels for Lead and Beryllium

***For chemical-specific screening levels for use in assessing contaminated sites, please refer to HHRA Note 3 (DTSC HERO).***

Health and Safety Code Section 57008 (The California Land Environmental Restoration and Reuse Act; SB32, Escutia, Chapter 764, Statues of 2001) requires the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), “in cooperation with the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment,” to publish a list of screening numbers for specific contaminants. In January, 2005 the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) released a report containing California Human Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs) for 60 chemicals. OEHHA is making available two reports: “Revised California Human Health Screening Levels for Lead” and “Revised California Human Health Screening Levels for Beryllium.” These reports update the CHHSLs previously released for lead and lead compounds, beryllium and beryllium compounds, beryllium oxide and beryllium sulfate.

The revised CHHSLs for lead and lead compounds are 80 mg/kg soil for residential property and 320 mg/kg soil for commercial/industrial property. The revised CHHSLs for beryllium and beryllium compounds and for beryllium oxide are 16 mg/kg soil for residential property and 190 mg/kg soil for commercial/industrial property. The revised CHHSLs for beryllium sulfate are 2.9 mg/kg soil for residential property and 6.3 mg/kg soil for commercial/industrial property.

Both final reports are available below. If you would like to receive further information on this announcement or have questions, please contact our office at (916) 323-4153 or the address below.

Carmen Milanes 
Integrated Risk Assessment Section
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
P.O. Box 4010
1001 I Street, MS-12B
Sacramento, California 95812-4010

Chemical Reference