Development of a Reference Dose (RfD) for Methamphetamine and Assessment of Children’s Exposure to Surface Methamphetamine Residues in Former Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs, and Identification of a Risk-Based Cleanup Standard for Surface Methamphetamine

The Office of Environmental Heal Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has released two final documents on methamphetamine, Development of a Reference Dose (RfD) for Methamphetamine and Assessment of Children’s Exposure to Surface Methamphetamine Residues in Former Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs, and Identification of a Risk-Based Cleanup Standard for Surface Methamphetamine Contamination. These two documents were first released in December of 2007 for public review and comment and for discussion at public workshops in January 2008. The documents also went through a peer review process mandated in Health and Safety Code Section 57004. OEHHA has responded to all comments provided by the public and by the external peer reviewers and released the documents again on December 26, 2008, for a final public review and comment period. The final documents each have a section on responses to comments received that describe any changes made.

Under the provision of the Health and Safety Code Section 25400.16(c), the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), in consultation with OEHHA, is required to develop a health-based target remediation standard for surface methamphetamine contamination in residences that were used to illegally manufacture methamphetamine.

The final documents, developed by OEHHA, will form the basis for the standard that is intended to ensure safe human re-occupancy of a residence.

Chemical Reference