Comment Period - Announcement of Release of the Public Review Draft of “Health Effects Assessment: Potential Neurobehavioral Effects of Synthetic Food Dyes in Children”

Comment by: 
Jessica Mae Jennings
Received on: 
11/10/2020 - 1:17am
It is better to be safe and find out you are wrong later. With that in mind, I urge the restriction of synthetic food dyes that are allowed in food for sale to the public. We the people can get used to anything. Cake with a not-so-bright color on it will not diminish the fun at a child's birthday party, and people will buy their favorite muffins regardless of color, if you give them the chance. While the research community does what is needed, please make the determination to err on the side of health and safety because the evidence thus far points directly at synthetic food dyes having permanent and detrimental effects on us humans.