Emergency Response
OEHHA's Highlighted Emergency Response Activities
If you believe that you have been exposed to a hazardous chemical, or if you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
OEHHA's Emergency Function:
To provide emergency personnel with information on the health effects of chemical agents and characterizing the risk to the public and environment from chemical releases
Emergency Response Reports
The Wildfire Smoke: A Guide For Public Health Officials Revised 2019 August 22, 2019. This guide is designed to help local public health officials prepare for smoke events, to take measures to protect the public when smoke is present, and communicate with the public about wildfire smoke and health.
Protecting Public Health from Home and Building Fire Ash
Protección de la Salud Pública contra las Cenizas de Incendios en Casas y Edificios (Spanish)
On March 15, 2007, a wooden train trestle caught fire northeast of downtown Sacramento, California. The trestle, largely constructed of creosote-treated wood ties and structural beams, continued to burn uncontained for 48 hours.
This report discusses the public health impacts from the Sacramento Trestle Fire and provides an analysis of air quality data.
Tire Fire Smoke: Major Constituents and Potential for Public Health Impacts
This 2002 report identifies the major chemical constituents of smoke from burning tires, the toxicity of those chemicals, and the potential effects on human health.
Oil Spills and Seafood
OEHHA is required to evaluate the potential public health risks associated with seafood consumption following oil spills into California waters.
Additional Resources for Emergency Information:
- American Red Cross
- California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
- CalFire
- California Department of Public Health - Office of Emergency Preparedness
- California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)
- California Poison Control System
- Center for Disease Control Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- InciWeb - California Incident Information System
- National Interagency Fire Center
- Pesticide Illness Surveillance (pesticide illness reporting)
- USDA Active Fire Mapping Project
- Weather Ready Nation (NOAA)
For questions regarding OEHHA's Emergency Response Program please contact: Emergency@oehha.ca.gov