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Proposition 65 Notices

: Final Statement of Reasons - Clear and Reasonable Warning

This revised final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for section 12601, and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding that section as originally proposed and modified. 

: Final Statement of Reasons - Discharge of Water Containing a Chemical at Time of Receipt

This final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for section 12401, and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding the December 3 proposal and the subsequent proposed modifications. 

: Final Statement of Reasons - Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, R-48-87

This final statement of reasons explains the lead agency's reasons for accepting some of the objections and recommendations, while declining to follow others, for the adoption of the regulatory proposal designated R-48-87 under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.