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Proposition 65 Notices

Feb 1, 2008: Notice of New Practice Regarding the Development of Proposition 65 Safe Harbor Levels for Newly Listed Chemicals

After a chemical is added to the Proposition 65 list, OEHHA as a general practice will strive to develop and release for public comment a draft safe harbor level within one year of the chemical’s listing.

Jan 25, 2008: Chemicals Under Consideration for Possible Listing Via the Authoritative Bodies Mechanism: Request for Relevant information - Dibromoacetic acid, 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI)

Request for information on Dibromoacetic acid, 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI), chemicals considered for listing under the Authoritative Bodies provision of Proposition 65.

Jan 25, 2008: Comment Period - Chemicals Under Consideration for Possible Listing Via the Authoritative Bodies Mechanism: Request for Relevant information - Dibromoacetic acid, 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI)

Notice of intend to list Dibromoacetic acid and 4-Methylimidazole as causing cancer via the authoritative bodies mechanism.

Jan 22, 2008: Proposition 65 Regulatory Update Project, 2008 Project List

Information and updates on the Proposition 65 regulatory update process that was initiated in 2007.

Jan 18, 2008: Request for Relevant Information on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of: Bisphenol-A, Chlorpyrifos, Chromium, DDE, Sulfur dioxide

Chemicals for consideration for listing (January 2008) by the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee and request for relevant information on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of: Bisphenol-A, Chlorpyrifos, Chromium, DDE, Sulfur dioxide

Jan 18, 2008: Extension of Comment Period - Bisphenol-A

Extension of the public comment period for bisphenol A to 5 p.m., Thursday, April 17, 2008.  The original 60‑day public comment period initiated on January 18, 2008 for the other four chemicals will close as announced on March 18, 2008.

Jan 18, 2008: Comment Period - Information on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of: Bisphenol-A, Chlorpyrifos, Chromium, DDE, Sulfur dioxide

Public comment period  to provide information relevant to the assessment of the evidence of developmental and reproductive toxicity for Bisphenol-A, Chlorpyrifos, Chromium (hexavalent), DDE, and Sulfur dioxide.

Jan 11, 2008: Comment Period - Notice of a Public Hearing for Comment on a Request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in Corn Snack Food Products - Extension of Public Comment Period

Notice of a public hearing for comment on a request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in corn snack food products - Extension of public comment period.

Jan 11, 2008: Original Comment Period - Notice of a Public Hearing for Comment on a Request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in Corn Snack Food Products

Frito-Lay asks OEHHA to determine that consumption of Frito-Lay snack food products processed from corn or made with ingredients processed from corn does not present an “exposure” to fumonisin B1 under Proposition 65 that would require a warning. A public hearing will be convened on Tuesday, March 11, 2008.

Jan 11, 2008: Synopsis, Follow-up Actions and Slide Presentations from the December 10, 2007 Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting

Synopsis, follow-up actions and slide presentations from the December 10, 2007 developmental and reproductive toxicant identification committee meeting

Jan 11, 2008: Notice of a Public Hearing for Comment on a Request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in Corn Snack Food Products

Notice of a public hearing for comment on a request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in corn snack food products  

Jan 11, 2008: Comment Period - Notice of a Public Hearing for Comment on a Request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in Corn Snack Food Products

Notice of a public hearing for comment on a request for a Safe Use Determination for Fumonisin B1 in corn snack food products.

Dec 21, 2007: Announcement of Three Chemicals Selected by OEHHA for Consideration for Listing by the CIC and Request for Relevant Information on the Carcinogenicity of These Chemicals

Announcement of chemicals selected by OEHHA for consideration for listing by the Carcinogen Identification Committee and request for relevant information on the carcinogenicity of: N,N-dimethylformamide, marijuana smoke, and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene.

Dec 12, 2007: Meeting Synopsis and Slide Presentations from the Carcinogen Identification Committee Meeting Held on November 19, 2007

Meeting Synopsis and Slide Presentations from the Carcinogen Identification Committee Meeting Held on November 19, 2007

Dec 7, 2007: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Amendment to Section 12705. Specific Regulatory Levels Posing No Significant Risk: Nitromethane

Notice of proposed rulemaking.  Specific regulatory levels posing no significant risk: nitromethane.

Dec 7, 2007: Notice of Addition of Documents and Information to OAL Notice File No. Z-07-0619-02, Amendment to Title 22, Section 12805, MADL for Reproductive Toxicity for Di(n-butyl)phthalate (DBP)

Notice of Addition of Documents and Information to OAL Notice File No. Z-07-0619-02. Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL) for reproductive toxicity for di(n-butyl)phthalate (DBP).

Nov 28, 2007: Request for Public Participation in a Proposition 65 Regulatory Update Project

Request for public input and participation in a Proposition 65 regulatory update process, which began in 2007, to clarify and update the regulatory provisions of Proposition 65.

Nov 28, 2007: Notice of Availability of Comments on Proposition 65 Regulatory Update Project

Notice of Availability of Comments on Proposition 65 Regulatory Update Project

Nov 21, 2007: December 10th, 2007 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee

December 10th, 2007 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee

Nov 21, 2007: December 10th, 2007 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee

December 10th, 2007 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee
