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Proposition 65 Notices

Mar 15, 2013: Comment Period - Request for Relevant Information on a Chemical Being Considered for Listing by the Authoritative Bodies Mechanism: Emissions from Combustion of Coal

Comment Period - Request for information as to whether "emissions from combustion of coal" meet the criteria for listing as known to the State to cause cancer under the authoritative bodies listing mechanism

Mar 11, 2013: Extension of Comment Period - Bisphenol-A MADL

Extension of the comment period for adoption of a Maximum Allowable Dose Level for bisphenol A.

Mar 4, 2013: Hazard Identification Document for Deltamethrin - March 2013 Revision

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee is scheduled to deliberate on the reproductive toxicity of deltamethrin and determine whether the chemical has been clearly shown through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause reproductive toxicity.

Feb 25, 2013: February 25, 2013 Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting (DARTIC)

Agenda summary meeting transcript and other details from the February 25, 2013 DART IC meeting

Feb 25, 2013: Comment Period - Bisphenol-A MADL

2013 request for information on the possible Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL)  for exposures to bisphenol A (BPA).

Feb 25, 2013: Withdrawal of Notice of Intent to List Styrene

OEHHA is withdrawing the notice of intent to list styrene via the Labor Code mechanism

Feb 22, 2013: Change of Basis for the Listing of Actinomycin D as a Chemical Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer

OEHHA changes the basis for the listing of actinomycin D (CAS No. 50-76-0) as a chemical known to the state to cause cancer.  Actinomycin D was originally added to the Proposition 65 list as causing cancer via the Labor Code listing mechanism; the new basis for listing is via the formally required to be labeled or identified mechanism.

Feb 15, 2013: Extension of Comment Period - Notice of Intent to List Bisphenol-A

Extension of comment period to allow for the submission of scientific information for Bisphenol A.

Feb 14, 2013: Public Workshop for the Notice of Intent to List Styrene by the Labor Code Mechanism

Announcement of a public workshop on February 14, 2013, concerning OEHHA’s intent to list styrene as a chemical known to cause cancer under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.

Feb 8, 2013: C.I. Disperse Yellow 3 and 2,6-dimethyl-N-nitrosomorpholine (DMNM) Listed Effective February 8, 2013 as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer

Effective February 8, 2013, C.I. Disperse Yellow 3  and 2,6-dimethyl-N-nitrosomorpholine (DMNM) were listed as "Known to the State of California " to cause cancer.

Jan 25, 2013: Notice of Intent to List: Bisphenol-A

Intent to list the chemical Bisphenol A as known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity (developmental endpoint) under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. This action is being proposed under the authoritative bodies listing mechanism.

Jan 25, 2013: Decision Not to Proceed - Proposed Amendment to Section 25805 Specific Regulatory Levels Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity: Chloroform

OEHHA is withdrawing the proposal at this time.  A public notice will be published in the event OEHHA decides to proceed with a proposed rulemaking at a later time.

Jan 25, 2013: Proposed Amendment to Section 25805 Specific Regulatory Levels: Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity Bisphenol-A

In January 2013 OEHHA proposed to adopt a Proposition 651 Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL) of 290 micrograms per day for exposures to bisphenol A (BPA).

Jan 25, 2013: Comment Period - Notice of Intent to List Bisphenol-A

In January 2013 OEHHA requested comments as to whether Bisphenol A meets the criteria set forth in the Proposition 65 regulations for authoritative bodies listings.

Jan 16, 2013: Notice of Adoption of Text Title 27, California Code of Regulations Amendment of Section 25705 Specific Regulatory Levels: No Significant Risk Level Bromoethane

OEHHA adopts a No Significant Risk Level of 96 micrograms per day for exposures to bromoethane

Jan 14, 2013: Comment Period - Notice of Intent to Change the Basis for Listing as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer: Actinomycin D

Comment Period - Intent to change basis of listing for Actinomycin D from the Labor Code to listing via the formally required to be labeled or identified mechanism

Jan 14, 2013: Comment Period - Notice of Intent to List Styrene by the Labor Code Mechanism

Comment Period - Notice of intent to list Styrene as a carcinogen by the Labor Code mechanism

Jan 10, 2013: Notice of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting Monday, February 25, 2013

The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee is scheduled to meet on Monday, February 25, 2013, in the Coastal Hearing Room of the California Environmental Protection Agency

Jan 4, 2013: Notice of Intent to Change the Basis for Listing as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer: Actinomycin D

Intent to change basis of listing for Actinomycin D from the Labor Code to listing via the formally required to be labeled or identified mechanism.

Jan 4, 2013: Dienestrol Delisted Effective January 4, 2013 From the List of Chemicals Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer

OEHHA is removing dienestrol [CAS No. 84-17-3] from the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer, for purposes of Proposition 651.  The delisting of dienestrol is effective JANUARY 4, 2013. 
