Meeting of the Carcinogen Identification Committee – November 19, 2014 Proposition 65

Request meeting presentations

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) convened a meeting of the Proposition 65 Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC) on November 19, 2014, at the California Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Building in Sacramento, California.

The Committee considered whether or not dibenzanthracenes (as a chemical group),  dibenz[a,c]anthracene, dibenz[a,j]anthracene, and N-nitrosomethyl-n-alkylamines with alkyl chain lengths of 3 through 12 and 14 carbons should be listed under Proposition 65 as known to the state to cause cancer. The Committee also heard staff updates regarding Proposition 65 activities. A summary of the meeting is provided below.

I. Welcome and Opening Remarks

George Alexeeff, Ph.D., D.A.B.T. Director, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)

II. Consideration of Chemicals as Known to the State to Cause Cancer


Staff presentation (Feng Tsai, Ph.D., Gwendolyn Osborne, MD, MPH and Jennifer Hsieh, Ph.D., Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch, RCHAB)
Committee discussion
Public comments2
Committee discussion and decision


Staff presentation (Karin Ricker, Ph.D. and Kate Li, Ph.D., RCHAB)
Committee discussion
Public comments2
Committee discussion and decision

III. Staff Updates

Chemical listings via the administrative listing mechanisms
Proposition 65 litigation (Carol Monahan-Cummings, Chief Counsel, OEHHA)

IV. Summary of Committee Actions

George Alexeeff, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Director, OEHHA

Listing Decisions

Following OEHHA staff presentations, opportunity for public comment, and committee discussion, the CIC determined:

  • Dibenzanthracenes (as a chemical group) have been clearly shown through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause cancer. Six CIC members voted in favor of a “clearly shown” finding, no members voted in favor of a “not clearly shown” finding, and one abstained. The CIC also voted unanimously in favor of a “clearly shown” finding for two individual chemicals within the chemical group covered by the initial vote: dibenz[a,c]anthracene and dibenz[a,j]anthracene.
  • N-Nitrosomethyl-n-alkylamines, also known as N-methyl-N-nitroso-1-alkylamines, with alkyl chain lengths of 3 through 12 and 14 carbons, have been clearly shown through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause cancer. The CIC voted unanimously in favor of a “clearly shown” finding for these 11 chemicals.

1 The Committee may choose to list the group, or individual chemicals within the group not already listed.

2 Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes per commenter, except for those commenters who made requests by November 14, and received approval from the Chair for longer comments.