Comment Period - on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of bromodichloromethane, caffeine and methylisocyanate

By today’s notice, OEHHA is providing the public an opportunity to provide information relevant to the assessment of the evidence of developmental and reproductive toxicity for the three remaining chemicals: bromodichloromethane, caffeine, and methylisocyanate.

Table 1. Chemicals Selected for Preparation of Reproductive Toxicity Hazard Identification Materials and Review for Possible Listing by the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee

Chemical CAS No.


Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4
Caffeine 58-08-2
Methylisocyanate 624-83-0

These chemicals were selected using the procedure described in the document entitled: “Process for Prioritizing Chemicals for Consideration under Proposition 65 by the Sate’s Qualified Experts,” adopted in 2004, and available on the Internet at

The publication of this notice marks the start of a 60-day data call-in period. This period will end on Tuesday, August 26, 2008. The information received during this data call-in period will be reviewed and considered by OEHHA as it prepares the reproductive toxicity hazard identification materials on these chemicals. This request for information is the next step in the process described in the 2004 prioritization procedure.

OEHHA will prepare hazard identification materials for the three chemicals identified in Table 1 to be presented at a future Committee meeting no earlier than 2009 for consideration of possible listing under Proposition 65.

Notification of the availability of the hazard identification materials and of the time, date, location, and agenda for the Developmental and Reproductive Identification Committee meetings where these chemicals will be considered will be provided in subsequent notices published in the California Regulatory Notice Register and will also be posted on OEHHA’s website. It is anticipated that the hazard identification materials will be made available for a 60-day comment period prior to the Committee meetings at which these chemicals will be considered.

Interested parties or members of the public wishing to provide information relevant to these chemicals should send it to the address given below.

the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Proposition 65 Implementation
P.O. Box 4010
1001 I Street, 19th Floor
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
FAX: (916) 323-8803
Or via e-mail to

It is requested that all hard-copy materials be submitted in triplicate.

Submissions may also be delivered in person or by courier to the above address. In order to be considered, the relevant information must be received at OEHHA (if delivered in person or sent by FAX) by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 26, 2008.

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