Withdrawal of Notice of Proposed Proposition 65 Rulemaking, Title 27, Cal Code of Regs, Section 25821 (a) and (c)

On October 5, 2018, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to adopt amendments to Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25821.  The amendments were intended to clarify when and how a person could average concentrations of a listed chemical in a food, and identified the use of the arithmetic mean as the default method of calculation of individual exposure.  OEHHA amended the proposal on July 5, 2019, based on the public comments received and provided an additional comment period.  OEHHA is withdrawing the regulatory proposal at this time.  If OEHHA decides to initiate a rulemaking on these topics later, we will provide the public with notice and an opportunity to comment.

Inquiries concerning the rulemaking should directed to Monet Vela at (916) 323-2517, or by e-mail at monet.vela@oehha.ca.gov, or by mail to OEHHA, P.O. Box 4010, Sacramento, California 95812-4010.  Ryan Mahoney is a back-up contact person for inquiries concerning this action and is available at (916) 445‑4693 or ryan.mahoney@oehha.ca.gov.

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