Status Report on No Significant Risk Levels for Carcinogens and Maximum Allowable Daily Levels for Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity

Availability of the Status Report on No Significant Risk Levels for Carcinogens and Maximum Allowable Daily Levels for Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announces the availability of the latest update of the "Status Report on No Significant Risk Levels for Carcinogens and Maximum Allowable Daily Levels for Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity." Several chemicals were added to the Proposition 65 chemical list since this document was last released in February 2001. The document reflects the incorporation of the newly added chemicals into the priority categories for future development of a safe harbor number. OEHHA continues its effort to develop new safe harbor numbers and expects to update the document accordingly as needed. Copies of the document are available from the download section below or from the Proposition 65 Implementation office at P.O. Box 4010, Sacramento, California 95812-4010 or by calling (916) 445-6900.

Questions concerning this notice may be directed to (916) 445-6900.