Results Of The Second Round Pilot Random Selection Of The Chemicals Eligible For Prioritization For Consideration Of Carcinogenicity Evaluation

The California Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announces the results of the second round pilot random selection process of the chemicals eligible for prioritization. The selected chemicals will be considered for carcinogenicity evaluation.

In a public notice published in the California Regulatory Notice Register (CRNR) on March 20, 1998, OEHHA announced the availability of the alphabetical listing of candidate chemicals for the second round pilot random selection. In the March 20th notice, OEHHA identified 100 chemicals that could potentially be considered by the State’s qualified experts (i.e., the Carcinogen Identification Committee of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board). The 100 chemicals were listed in "Table 1: Candidates for Random Selection Second Round" (see attached Table 1). Also, as explained in the March 20th notice, the seed number for the second round pilot random selection was determined by summing the first three numbers (51, 12, 9) drawn from the California Super Lotto on Saturday, March 21, 1998 to yield 72. Beginning with the 72nd number (398) and ending with the 171st number (327) on "Table 2 Random Numbers", each of the 100 chemicals had a unique random numerical value assigned to it. These 100 assigned random numbers, and corresponding chemicals, were reordered according to increasing value. The first 60 numerical values constitute the candidate chemicals in the second round random selection (see attached Table A: Pilot - Second Round Randomly Selected Candidates for Carcinogenicity Evaluation). A list of the 60 randomly selected chemicals (see Table A), a list of the 100 eligible candidates (see attached Table 1), and the table of random numbers (see attached Table 2) are also available on the OEHHA Home Page. The remaining 40 chemicals will be part of the pool from which future selections will occur.

OEHHA will evaluate the 60 randomly selected chemicals for consideration of carcinogenicity. Over the next several months, draft data summaries and draft priority assignments of the 60 randomly selected chemicals will be prepared. Each chemical will receive a screening toxicity evaluation as described in the document entitled, "Procedure for Prioritizing Candidate Chemicals for Consideration Under Proposition 65 by the State’s Qualified Experts" (May 1997). Future selections will be published in the CRNR and also on the OEHHA Home Page.

OEHHA is committed to an open and public process in the implementation of Proposition 65. The posting of the results of the random selection and prioritization of chemicals for consideration by the Carcinogen Identification Committee of the Science Advisory Board is part of that process.

For inquiries on Proposition 65 or for copies of Table A, Table 1 or Table 2, please call or write to:

the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Post Office Box 4010
Sacramento, CA 95812-4010
FAX: (916) 327-1097
Telephone: (916) 445-6900

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