Request for Information, Chemicals Under Consideration for Possible Listing Via the Authoritative Bodies Mechanisms
The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65 or the Act) requires the Governor to publish, and update at least annually, a list of chemicals known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. The Act provides two mechanisms for administratively listing chemicals as known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity [Health and Safety Code Section 25249.8(b)]. One mechanism by which a chemical is listed is if a state or federal agency has formally required that the chemical be labeled or identified as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity. The criteria for listing chemicals through this mechanism are set forth in Title 22, California Code of Regulations (22 CCR) Section 12902. The second mechanism for administrative listing, and the subject of today’s notice, is if a body considered to be authoritative by the state’s qualified experts has formally identified a chemical as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has been identified as authoritative bodies for purposes of the Act. The criteria for listing chemicals through the "authoritative bodies" mechanism are set forth
As the lead agency for the implementation of Proposition 65, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environmental Protection Agency is investigating the possible listing of the chemicals identified below, based upon information in the references cited. All of the chemicals listed below are proposed for administrative listing based upon the US EPA having identified them as causing reproductive toxicity. Documentation summarizing the rationale for considering the evaluation of these chemicals for possible administrative listing is available from OEHHA’s Proposition 65 Implementation Office at the address and telephone number indicated below, or from the Internet here.
OEHHA is committed to public participation and external scientific peer review in its implementation of Proposition 65, and welcomes public input on this listing process. As part of its efforts to ensure that regulatory decisions are based upon a thorough consideration of all relevant information, OEHHA is soliciting information which may be relevant to the evaluation of these chemicals in the context of the Proposition 65 authoritative body listing criteria (22 CCR Section 12306).
A public forum will be held on Monday, January 11, 1999 to provide an opportunity for interested parties to present oral comments on whether the chemicals listed below meet the criteria for listing set forth in 22 CCR Section 12306. The public forum will be conducted in the Auditorium at 714 P Street, Sacramento, California, at 10:00 a.m. and will last until all business has been conducted or 5:00 p.m.
Written comments provided in triplicate, along with supporting information, may also be submitted to:
the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
FAX: (916) 327-1097
Telephone: (916) 445-6900
In order to be considered, comments must be postmarked (if sent by mail) or received at OEHHA (if hand-delivered or sent by fax) by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 19, 1999.
Following the review of all comments received, OEHHA will announce its intention to proceed with the listing of those candidate chemicals that meet the regulatory criteria for administrative listing in a Notice of Intent to List Chemicals.
Download the documentation summarizing the rationale for considering the evaluation of these chemicals for possible administrative listing.
Chemicals which may meet the criteria set forth in 22 CCR Section 12306 for listing as known to cause reproductive toxicity via the "authoritative bodies" mechanism:
Chemical |
CAS No. |
Endpoints |
Referencea |
Bromacil lithium salt |
5340419-6 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
2,4-D 2-ethylhexyl ester |
1928-43-4 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
2,4-D 2-ethyl-4-methypentyl ester; synonym 2,4-D, isooctyl ester |
53404-37-8 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
Diazinon |
333-41-5 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
Dichlorophene |
97-23-4 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
2,4-DP (dichloroprop) |
120-36-5 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
Dimethoate |
60-51-5 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
Diuron |
330-54-1 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
Naled |
300-76-5 |
female reproductive toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
Triforine |
26644-46-2 |
developmental toxicity | US EPA (1994a,b) |
a Formal identification by US EPA of chemicals causing reproductive toxicity is provided in US EPA (1994b) below, while additional information on the basis for such identification is
Chemical Reference
Footnotes and References
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA, 1994a). Proposed Rule: Addition of Certain Chemicals; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right to Know. Federal Register (59 FR 1788).
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA, 1994b). Final Rule: Addition of Certain Chemicals; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right to Know. Federal Register (59 FR 61432).