Proposition 65 Stakeholder Group, Exposures to Listed Chemicals in Foods

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is currently beginning the process of drafting possible regulatory language addressing the methods of delivery and content of warnings for exposures to listed chemicals in foods. There have been requests that a stakeholder group be created to assist in formulating this language.  OEHHA is soliciting participation in a stakeholder workgroup.

OEHHA has determined that there are several stakeholder groups that would most likely be affected by this proposed regulatory action including:

  1. Food Manufacturers
  2. Large Grocery Retailers
  3. Small Grocery Retailers
  4. Environmental Groups
  5. Private Proposition 65 Enforcement Groups
  6. Public Prosecutors (AG/DA)

Volunteers representing these groups are invited to participate in the workgroup.  In the event a large number of individuals offer to participate, OEHHA may limit the number of representatives from each stakeholder group.  Other stakeholder groups not identified above may also be invited to participate, including staff at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Food and Agriculture. This workgroup is being formed to advise OEHHA concerning the development of this proposed regulation, but will not have delegated regulatory authority.  The public will be informed of the progress of the workgroup, though workgroup meetings will not be publicly noticed.  Workgroup meetings will likely begin in April, 2008.

Persons interested in participating on the OEHHA workgroup should notify OEHHA by close of business on Friday, April 18, 2008.  Please direct all communications to:

Fran Kammerer
Staff Counsel
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95812
(916) 445-4693
Or via e-mail to

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