Notice of a Public Hearing for Comment on a Request for a Safe Use Determination for a Hand-to-mouth Transfer Factor for Lead
NOTE: Following the March 23, 2005 Safe Use Determination public hearing, OEHHA determined that issuance of an Interpretive Guideline would be the more appropriate course of action.
Note: The posted documents have been redacted to remove information that is not relevant to the safe use determination request for a hand-to-mouth transfer factor for lead.
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for the implementation of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65). OEHHA has received a request from the Sports Fishing Coalition that OEHHA grant a safe use determination for a hand-to-mouth transfer factor for lead. The request for a lead transfer factor is confined to lead transferred to the mouth from the hand, which has handled fishing tackle products containing lead. The fishing tackle products may be made of metal alloys or plastics or products with painted or metal alloy surfaces. The request is made pursuant to Section 12204 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations . In accordance with the process set forth in Section 12204(f), a public hearing will be convened on Wednesday, March 23, 2005, in the Byron Sher Auditorium, California Environmental Protection Agency Building, 1001 I Street, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, California, as an opportunity for comment on this request for a safe use determination. The hearing will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will end when all business is conducted or 5:00 p.m.
Written comments provided in triplicate, along with supporting information, may be submitted to:
Ms. Cynthia Oshita
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Street address: 1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Mailing address: P.O. Box 4010
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
Fax No.: (916) 323-8803
Telephone: (916) 445-6900
Comments may also be delivered in person or by courier to the above address. It is requested, but not required, that written comments and supporting documentation be transmitted via email addressed to: In order to be considered, comments must be postmarked (if sent by mail) or received at OEHHA (if hand-delivered, sent by FAX, or transmitted electronically) by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, 2005.