Notice of Amendment to Section 25705, No Significant Risk Level for Styrene

On May 4, 2017, the Office of Administrative Law approved the amendment of Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25705, No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) for the chemical styrene.  The regulation will be effective on July 1, 2017.  This regulation establishes a No Significant Risk Level of 27 micrograms per day for styrene for purposes of Proposition 65.[1]

The regulatory text and the supporting rulemaking documents are available below

Questions regarding this regulatory action can be directed to Esther Barajas-Ochoa at or (916) 322-2068.


Footnotes and References

[1] The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, codified at Health and Safety code section 25249.5 et seq.