Extension of Comment Period and Notice of Public Hearing – Proposed Amendment to Article 6 – Clear and Reasonable Warnings – Consumer Product Exposure Warnings Pesticides

A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking announcing a proposed amendment to Article 6 of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations, section 25603 was published in the California Regulatory Notice Register on April 27, 2018 (Notice File Number Z-2018-0417-05).  The proposed amendment would modify the safe-harbor warning content for on-product warnings for exposures to listed chemicals in pesticides.  The April 27 notice initiated a 45-day public comment period that was scheduled to close on June 11, 2018.  OEHHA has received a request from the American Chemistry Council to hold a public hearing on the proposed regulation. 

OEHHA has scheduled a public hearing on Thursday, June 21, 2018 at the California Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Building, Sierra Hearing Room, located at 1001 I Street, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, California.  The public hearing will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue until all business has been conducted, or 2:00 pm.  If you have special accommodation or language needs, please contact Esther Barajas-Ochoa at (916) 322-2068 or esther.barajas-ochoa@oehha.ca.gov by June 15, 2018.  TTY/TDD/Speech-to-Speech users may dial 7‑1‑1 for the California Relay Service.

OEHHA hereby extends the public comment period on this proposed amendment to 5:00 pm, Thursday, July 5, 2018.  The public is encouraged to submit written information electronically via e-mail or through our website at https://oehha.ca.gov/comments rather than in paper form.  Send e-mail comments to P65Public.Comments@oehha.ca.gov.  Please include “PESTICIDE WARNINGS” in the subject line.  Hard-copy comments may be mailed, faxed, or delivered in person to the appropriate address below.

All submissions should be directed to:

Monet Vela
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
P. O. Box 4010, MS 23 11F
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
Telephone: 916-323-2517
Fax: 916-323-2610
E-mail: monet.vela@oehha.ca.gov