Availability of Hazard Identification Materials for Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Announcement of The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for the implementation of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65). The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board advises and assists OEHHA in compiling the list of chemicals known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity as required by Health and Safety Code section 25249.8. The Committee serves as the State’s qualified experts for determining whether a chemical has been clearly shown through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause reproductive toxicity (Title 22, Cal. Code of Regs., section 12305(b)(1)).
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) was considered by the DART Committee at a meeting held on May 12, 1995. At that time, the Committee concluded that environmental tobacco smoke had not been clearly shown to cause reproductive or developmental toxicity. Since the Committee considered ETS in 1995, a substantial number of additional studies of its potential developmental and reproductive toxicity have been completed and published. Subsequent to the meeting on May 12, 1995, members of the Committee have requested that environmental tobacco smoke be brought back to the Committee for reconsideration.
OEHHA has recently completed development of a health effects assessment of ETS as part of its Toxic Air Contaminant program. Additional information concerning OEHHA’s air program can be found at: /air. The OEHHA document “Health Effects Assessment for Environmental Tobacco Smoke” was finalized September 30, 2005 and made available to the public. This document is being provided to the Committee. Information on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of ETS is contained in Chapters 3-5. In addition, the Committee will also be provided the 1997 OEHHA document “Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke.” This document describes in detail epidemiological studies published prior to 1996, in Chapters 3-5.
The following describes the process used to develop the ETS document. ETS entered the Toxic Air Contaminant identification program in June 2001. A data call-in letter requesting pertinent information on the atmospheric chemistry, sources, total exposure and adverse health effects of ETS was distributed to interested parties on June 11, 2001. In December 2003, the draft OEHHA report “Health Effects Assessment for Environmental Tobacco Smoke,” was published as Part B in the draft document “Proposed Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant.” In addition to the Part B (health assessment), the Proposed Identification document included the Executive Summary, and Part A (exposure assessment). The entire Proposed Identification document was released to the public for a three-month comment period. In March 2004, a public workshop was held to discuss the report. The report was revised following public comment and then underwent review by the State’s Scientific Review Panel (SRP) on Toxic Air Contaminants. On November 30, 2004, the SRP held a meeting to discuss the report and the comments received on the draft report. The meeting was continued on January 6, 2005 and on March 14, 2005. The draft document was revised in response to comments after each meeting. On June 24, 2005, at the fourth SRP meeting on the report, the SRP approved the OEHHA report, subject to minor changes. The full Proposed Identification document, including the OEHHA Health Effects Assessment was finalized on September 30, 2005.
OEHHA announces the availability of the hazard identification materials on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of environmental tobacco smoke. These materials include the OEHHA 2005 and 1997 ETS health effects assessments and a compilation of abstracts of scientific articles on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of ETS published after the 2005 report was completed. Copies of these materials are available from the Proposition 65 Implementation Office and may be requested by calling (916) 445-6900.
This notice also marks the beginning of a 60-day public comment period on these hazard identification materials. Comments should be submitted in triplicate and directed to:
the Proposition 65 Office
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Proposition 65 Implementation
P.O. Box 4010
1001 I Street, 19th floor
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
FAX (916) 323-8803
Comments may also be delivered in person or by courier to the above address. It is requested, but not required, that written comments and supporting documentation be transmitted via email addressed to: P65Public.Comments@oehha.ca.gov. In order to be considered, comments must be postmarked (if sent by mail) or received at OEHHA (if hand-delivered, sent by FAX, or transmitted electronically) by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2006.
OEHHA will organize and index the comments received and forward the information to the DART Identification Committee members prior to the meeting at which ETS will be considered.
The next meeting of the DART Identification Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24, 2006. The meeting will be held at the California Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Building, Coastal Hearing Room, at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will last until all business is conducted or until 5:00 p.m. The agenda for the meeting will be provided in a future public notice published in advance of the May 24, 2006 meeting.