Announcement of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting Scheduled For October 11, 2018 and Availability of Hazard Identification Materials for Nickel and Nickel Compounds
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for the implementation of Proposition 65[1]. The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board serves as the state’s qualified experts and renders an opinion about whether a chemical has been clearly shown to cause reproductive toxicity[2]. The chemicals so identified by the DARTIC are added to the Proposition 65 list.
Nickel and nickel compounds will be considered for possible listing by the DARTIC at a public meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2018. The meeting will be held in the Sierra Hearing Room at the CalEPA Headquarters building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and will last until all business is conducted or until 5:00 p.m. The agenda for the meeting will be provided in a future public notice published in advance of the meeting.
OEHHA announces the availability for public review of the hazard identification document entitled: “Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Nickel and Nickel Compounds”. The DARTIC will consider this document in making any listing decision on nickel and nickel compounds at its October 11, 2018 meeting. In preparing this document, OEHHA issued a request for information relevant to the assessment of the evidence of developmental and male and female reproductive toxicity for nickel and nickel compounds. The data call-in period for nickel and nickel compounds opened on February 19, 2016, and closed on April 4, 2016. OEHHA considered information received from the data call-in in preparing the hazard identification document. Copies of the document are available from OEHHA’s web site at The document may also be requested from OEHHA’s Proposition 65 Implementation Office by calling (916) 445-6900.
This notice marks the beginning of a 45-day comment period on this document. OEHHA must receive comments and any supporting materials by 5 p.m. on Monday, September 11, 2018. Parties who identify data relevant to the potential developmental, male and female reproductive toxicity of nickel and nickel compounds that are not included in the hazard identification materials are encouraged to submit them to OEHHA during the public comment period. All timely filed public comments and supporting materials will be provided to DARTIC members in advance of the meeting. The public is also able to make oral comments at the meeting. Public comments at the meeting will be limited to five minutes per commenter, except for those commenters who make requests by September 11, 2018 and receive approval from the Chair for longer comments. If you would like to make public comments to the Committee exceeding five minutes, please submit a request with an estimate of the time you will need and the reason you are requesting additional time, to the Proposition 65 mailbox at or call the Proposition 65 Implementation Office at (916) 445-6900 by 5 p.m. on September 11, 2018.
Comments on the hazard identification document may be submitted electronically through our website at Comments submitted in paper form can be mailed, faxed, or delivered in person to the address below.
Mailing Address: Michelle Ramirez
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
P.O. Box 4010, MS-12B
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
Street Address: 1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Fax: (916) 323-2265
Comments received during the public comment period will be posted on the OEHHA website in advance of the meeting. Electronic files submitted should not have any form of encryption because OEHHA is subject to the California Public Records Act and other laws that require the release of certain information upon request. If you provide comments, please be aware that your name, address and e-mail may be available to third parties.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Ramirez at or (916) 445-6900.
Link to Public Comments
Footnotes and References
[1] The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, codified at Health and Safety Code section 25249.5 et seq., commonly referred to as “Proposition 65”.
[2] Title 27, Cal. Code of Regs., section 25302 et seq.