16 Chemicals Listed Effective August 26, 1997 as Known to the State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environmental Protection Agency has added 18 chemicals to the list of chemicals known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, for purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65 or the Act). These chemicals are listed effective August 26, 1997. Two of these chemicals, however, C.I. Direct Blue 15 and C.I. Direct Blue 218, are "benzidine-based dyes" and, as such, have been subject to the provisions of Proposition 65 since the October 1, 1992 listing date. The listing of these two dyes is to provide specificity to the existing

The 18 chemicals are listed pursuant to the administrative mechanisms for listing provided under the Act, based upon either (1) a formal identification by an authoritative body that the chemical causes cancer or reproductive toxicity; or, (2) a formal requirement by a state or federal agency that the chemical be identified or labeled as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity. Regulations governing the listing of chemicals under the "authoritative bodies" mechanism and the "formally required to be labeled or identified" mechanism are published in Title 22, California Code of Regulations,  12306 and 12902, respectively.

The reader is directed to the Notice of Intent to List Chemicals published in the June 27, 1997 issue of the California Regulatory Notice Register for the supporting documentation which OEHHA relied upon in making its determination that the criteria for administrative listing have been satisfied.

The 16 chemicals listed effective August 26, 1997, and the mechanism under which each is listed, are shown below:


Chemical CAS No. Listing Mechanism1
1-Amino-2,4-dibromoanthraquinone 81-49-2 AB
3,7-Dinitrofluoranthene 105735-71-5 AB
3,9-Dinitrofluoranthene 22506-53-2 AB
Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 AB
Estropipate 7280-37-7 FR
Ganciclovir sodium 82410-32-0 FR


Reproductive toxicants:

Chemical Type of Reproductive Toxicity CAS No. Listing Mechanism1
Amiodarone hydrochloride Male reproductive toxicity

Female reproductive toxicity

Developmental toxicity

19774-82-4 FR
Atenolol Developmental toxicity 29122-68-7 FR
Estropipate Developmental toxicity 7280-37-7 FR
Ethionamide Developmental toxicity 536-33-4 FR
Ganciclovir sodium Male reproductive toxicity

Developmental toxicity

82410-32-0 FR
Goserelin acetate Male reproductive toxicity

Female reproductive toxicity

Developmental toxicity

65807-02-5 FR
Leuprolide acetate Male reproductive toxicity

Female reproductive toxicity

Developmental toxicity

74381-53-6 FR
Paclitaxel Male reproductive toxicity

Female reproductive toxicity

Developmental toxicity

33069-62-4 FR
Quazepam Developmental toxicity 36735-22-5 FR
Trimetrexate glucuronate Developmental toxicity 82952-64-5 FR


The 2 chemicals which were already listed as carcinogens as of October 1, 1992, and the mechanism under which each is listed, are shown below:

Chemical CAS No. Listing Mechanism1
C.I. Direct Blue 15 2429-74-5 AB
C.I. Direct Blue 218 28407-37-6 AB

Chemical Reference

Related Notices

Footnotes and References

1. Listing mechanism:
AB - "authoritative bodies" mechanism (Section 12306)
FR - "formally required to be labeled or identified" mechanism