Comment Submissions - Notice of Augmentation of Record and 15-Day Public Comment Period for Exposures to Glyphosate from Consumer Products

Comment by: 
Nigel Crawford
Received on: 
07/13/2022 - 9:15pm
Glyphosate-based herbicides are hazardous to the environment and our health. They must be phased out as soon as possible. OEHHA must facilitate this in every way it can. These products have been polluting our air, water, food, soil and bodies far too long. The Ninth Circuit of Appeals recently ruled that the EPA must vacate their finding on the risks to human health from glyphosate exposure. The proposed California labeling of glyphosate-based herbicides is therefore inaccurate, because the EPA will now be required to reassess the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate. If the EPA chooses to follow the correct regulatory procedures and rely less on studies provided by industry, the finding will likely follow that of IARC - glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen.